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Decisions that launched South Australia into space!

Australian Space Discovery Centre
McEwin Building, Lot Fourteen, North Terrace, Adelaide South Australia 5000
Sunday 04 May 2025, 2:00PM
Join us at the Australian Space Discovery Centre for a special event as part of South Australia’s History Festival 2025. The theme is DECISIONS.

South Australia is often called the “Space State” due to its historical association with Australian space activities. How did this association with space initially come about? What decisions, nationally and internationally, determined South Australia’s relationship with Australia’s space activities prior to the establishment of the Australian Space Agency?

Join space historian Kerrie Dougherty OAM, as she explores the complex web of decision-making that determined South Australia’s place in space. This event will be hosted in-centre and streamed online to audiences Australia wide. Those in the centre will be invited to explore all the centre has to offer including our Space Gallery, special displays with plenty of opportunities to chat with our Space Communicators!

Suggested ages: 12+, talk is 1 hour duration.

Prefer to join us online? Register here;


Australian Space Discovery Centre
McEwin Building, Lot Fourteen, North Terrace, Adelaide South Australia 5000

High accessibility mode is off
Corner North Terrace and Frome Road
Adelaide 5000
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