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Nuclear Power for the Australian Energy Transition

IET/IEEE Retired Engineers Group
Engineers Australia- 11 Floor, 108 King William St Adelaide SA 5000
Wednesday 05 February 2025, 1:00PM — 2:00PM

Nuclear Power for the Australian Energy Transition

France and the UK are building Nuclear reactors, Germany is shutting them down. The federal coalition is proposing Nuclear power for Australia. How does nuclear power fit in a future energy grid in Australia. Is it going to: 1) lead to a higher or lower cost for consumers, 2) make the power system more, or less reliable, 3) cause daily curtailment of rooftop PV, 4) result in more or less greenhouse emissions 5) cause nuclear radiation to the population? These questions will be answered during the talk. Nuclear power is likely to be a significant issue in the next federal election. The presentation will allow the audience to make a more informed decision on this matter.

Speaker – C. J. Kikkert, BE, PhD, LSMIEEE, FIEAust. Adjunct A/Prof at The University of Adelaide and JCU.

Cornelis (Keith) Kikkert, has been an academic since 1970 at both The University of Adelaide and James Cook University. For 7 years he was the head of Electrical and Computer Engineering at JCU. He has written a book on RF electronics (4 ed), 4 book chapters, more than 100 peer reviewed papers and is the inventor on 5 patent applications. For the last 12 years he has been giving seminars on the transition of the Australian Electric Energy Grid.

Registration is free.

Members and visitors are welcome.

Please join us for refreshments and networking from12:15 pm before the event.

For further details contact Peter Guenther (0419 782 740) or Keith Kikkert (0439 876 938).


Founded in 1980 by IEE SA&NT. Since 2007, a joint initiative with the IEEE SA Section Life Member Affinity Group.

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